We are a community theatre group based in Komatsu, Ishikawa, Japan. We put on original musicals and concerts at home and abroad, as well as producing school shows.  Show history here

Director: Gart T. Westerhout

April 2024  -starting our      30th year!

OMT Show Poster Gallery!     




皆さん 大杉ミュージカルシアターへようこそ!2024年秋の公演は、トリプル狂言ミュージカル宝です。新メンバー大歓迎です。大人でも子供でも、経験者でも初心者でも、大歓迎!練習は週に1回、平日(現在水曜日に行っていますが変更可)の夜19:30から第一コミュニティセンターで行います。日曜日に月1、2回程度、大杉中町劇場で練習があります。 初顔合わせは4月14日 (日) 午後1時半から大杉中町劇場で予定しています。 興味がある方、メールでも電話でも連絡お待ちしております バンドメンバー、スタッフも大募集中!

30th annual fall musical will be Triple Kyogen Musical "Treasure!"  Now recruiting new members - cast, band, staff. Join us by writing or callinng! First meeting is April 14. Show will be held in October. 

On February 11 we put on  our 450th performance since our founding in spring 1995.

Fall 2023 show - Ari-Su in Wonderland - the classic Lewis Carroll story reset in rural Japan. October 7-15 at Osugi Nakamachi Theater. 

August 2022 - Putting on a new show based on a Japanese kyogen theater story called "The Cow Thief."

Showdates are Oct 29, 30 and Nov 5, 6. Come on down! 


2021 news:  




Because of corona restrictions we were not able to practice regularly this year, nor put on a big production. 

 The links below are for 4 songs and two mini-musicals put on by the kids of our troupe. They should be viewed

as works in progress, but enjoy! :)   

Tengu no Tango. https://youtu.be/rFC55_6mgm8  

Radio Osugi. https://youtu.be/tjK-a17ciaU  

Beautiful Sky (bilingual) https://youtu.be/sb429kee4Qk  

OMT new theme song https://youtu.be/mZ5YdGacbVg  

Banana Girl https://youtu.be/bsDpUecMHI8    

Yoi Don - a Tale of Osugi Elementary School https://youtu.be/AvRZGB1d1so  

In December we held a live concert for the theater building's 60th birthday . :)   



OMT 2020 YouTube Video Links

Full Playlist (OMT YouTubeチャンネル)  here


Please excuse grainy quality of older videos! 


1. Natsukashiya   An old poem of Osugi set to new music, from our 2019 musical "The Teahouse of Dreams." 


2. Stargazer Serenade - medley for father of OMT director. (2012)


3. Tengu Nose Ring Toss - a short old-timey b/w silent film shown in our 2012 musical "The Greedy Goblin 4: Ghost Story."

   天狗はなわなげ: 短編白黒無声映画、2012年のYT4;ゴーストストーリーから  

4. Kokoro Yori (Haiku from the Heart) - the finale of our 2010 musical about a local haiku poetess, set to slides from the show

   心より -2010のミュージカルのフィナーレ  

5. Welcome to Komatsu - the finale of our 2011 musical, filmed at our Hasadani Elementary School performances, all joined in! 

   2011年のフィナーレ -波佐谷小学校のパフォーマンス

6. Yokubari Tengu (Greedy Goblin) III Finale - 2007 in our theater. 

   YT3 - 天狗惑星の大冒険から (2007)

7. Windy Arbor - a song about the house in which the OMT director grew up (song and photos from early 1990's)


8. Behind the Scenes - Osugi Musical Theatre - a short intro to our theater, filmed May 2020 by Dana Stribling

   舞台裏 -OMT - 2020年5月OMT紹介 ビデオ 

9. Level Up - an interview in English about our troupe on Ishikawa Television's YouTube channel Spring 2020

レベルアップー石川テレビのインタビュー番組。 2020年春。

10. Osugi School Song    (closed 1980)



More videos to come!

2019 musical: The Teahouse of Dreams! (see below)

Direct from Nagoya, the incomparable KPB Theatre came to razzle-dazzle our audience in Osugi November 9, 2019! 

Back of 2019 fall flier below outlines our show history since we began in 1995.

Right: our theater in the hills of the Ish!  Below: a closer view. 

Sasaki Stone Storehouse,

OMT's second performance space!

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